Returnees: "Today, I have a clearer vision of the future"
January 04, 2018
Koné Amara, 28 years old, Ivory Coast
"Today, I have a clearer vision of the future"
Koné Amara, a 28-year-old Ivorian from Aboisso, came to Tunisia in November 2016 to try to reach Europe.
"A friend of mine in Ivory Coast put me in touch with an Ivorian based in Tunis. She told me that the man could help me get a visa to go to Europe from Tunisia. When I arrived in Tunisia, I paid the man and gave him my passport to start with the necessary steps. He took my money and my passport and he disappeared. That's when I realized I had been scammed. A fellow Ivorian hosted me provisionally. Later, I was referred to the Caritas emergency shelter. I am still in a regular situation. I have not yet passed the period of 3 months of regular stay and I wish to return to my country as soon as possible. I have been told that I may incur penalties if I stay beyond this period without a residence permit. Nobody explained all that to me in Ivory Coast."
"I worked for years in the trade of car parts, before coming to Tunisia. I intend to resume a commercial activity after my return. "
Koné was assisted in obtaining a travel document, voluntary return and reinstatement under the MRRM Project. He returned in Ivory Coast on January 31, 2017, after a short stay characterized by countless disappointments in Tunisia. He set up a shop selling mobile phones and accessories, with the support of IOM Ivory Coast.